TREATY 8 FIRST NATION OF ALBERTA -"As long as the sun shines, grass grows and the rivers flow..."

Phone: (780) 444-9366 Ext: 224

Tansi my name is Nora Alook and I’m a Big stone Cree Nation Member. I’ve been with Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta for the past 8 years. The first 3.5 years was with the Livelihood department and the last 4.5 years with the Health Department as the Health Co-Management (HCOM) Liaison. My current job is to attend all HCOM Committee and Subcommittee meetings who meet on a quarterly basis. From the meetings I then prepare meeting summaries and share the summary with all Treaty 8 Health Directors. Treaty 8 HCOM Representatives, Chiefs of Health and T8 management. My educational background includes a Microcomputer Office Specialist Certificate and Office Administration Certificate. I enjoy my job and look forward to many more successful years with the Health Department.