TREATY 8 FIRST NATION OF ALBERTA -"As long as the sun shines, grass grows and the rivers flow..."

Darlene Plamondon began her career in 1982 as the Executive Assistant to the CEO of the Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council (LSLIRC).  Darlene worked for LSLIRC for 17 years in a variety of positions, including Coordinator for the LSLIRC Sunrise Project University Transfer Program, the Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Director and Co-coordinator for the 100th year commemoration of the signing of Treaty No. 8.   She would later join the Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta where she has held a variety of positions and is now Director of Intergovernmental Relations and Administration.  She is a promoter of collaboration and believes that the only way we can change First Nations reality on the ground is by creating opportunities for real and substantive First Nation participation in decision-making.

PHONE (780) 444-9366 ext: 237
