8 First Nations of Alberta members are proud, confident people who will
flourish with an excellent quality First Nation Education System set
within a holistic (mind, body, emotion, and spirit) framework.
explore the building of a First Nation Comprehensive Education System
for Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta that does not derogate or
abrogate the Treaty No. 8 because we firmly believe education is a
treaty right.
To involve the First Nation grassroots people of
Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta within the process that will give
direction towards mission, vision, goals, and objectives of a First
Nations Education System for the members.
The Treaty 8 Education
Commission, in conjunction and consultation with their respective
communities, will establish a First Nation Comprehensive Education
System that will provide for Lifelong Learning, First Nation
Language/Culture Programming and excellent quality academic curriculum
in a holistic manner.