AT8HA (CEO and Policy Analyst Activities)!
Co-Management Liaison
Children's Agenda
Environmental Health
Health Careers
A. Health Careers Internship Program
AT8HA is working towards assisting in the increasing of health career professionals by providing the Health Careers Internship Program, which provides on the job training for students pursing health studies at colleges and universities throughout the summer.
1. Provide orientation in community based projects for students pursuing health careers. 2. Provide practicum that will support present and future academic health studies for students pursing health careers.
B. Summer Science Camp Program
Through the Summer Science Camp First Nation youth gain a positive perspective on health careers through activity-based programs. Through the promotion of student interaction and the prevention awareness relating to injuries the aim is to increase the level of interest in the health sciences through sharing traditional and scientific information.
Goals: 1. To have students realize that Health Careers are the wave of the future by observing a wide variety of health professions in progress. 2. To show students that there is a purpose for their education.
For additional information about any of these programs contact your ATH8A Health Careers Coordinator.
Tobacco Control Strategy