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Duty to Consult Presentations 2009
HOME > LIVELIHOOD > Consultation > Duty to Consult Presentations 2009


Alberta Consultation Update_Graham Statt_Cory Enns.pptm

Canada's Action Plan on Aboriginal Consultation & Accommodation_INAC_Kirsten Miller.pptm

Consultation Process_Ryan Davis.pptm

Consultation Process-An Industry Perspective_Gord Sanders.pptm

ERCB_Duty to Consult_Bruce Gladue.pptm

First Nations Consultation Coordination Group_Ruby Littlechild_Vernon Watchmaker.pptm

Journey to a Sustainable Culture & Equitable Benefits_Joe Jobin.pptm

Mikisew Cree Impact Assessment_Melody Lepine.pptm

Moving Forward Together_Lillian Anderson.pptm

Overview of the Federal Action Plan & MPMO_Norine Saddleback.pptm

Significance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples_Karen Geertsema.pptm

The Duty to Consult & Accommodate-A Legal & Ethical Anaylsis_Passelac-Ross and Potes.pptm

TransCanada & Wildrose Region_Aboriginal Relations.pptm

Treaty 8 & Unfinished Business_Jim Webb.pptm

Peace River Watershed Cumulative Effects_Martyn Glassman.doc.pdf